The Daily Shot Brief – April 1st, 2022



The United States: Based on the recent wage growth trend, the Fed could push rates above 4%.

The Daily Shot Brief – April 1st, 2022
Source: @AndreasSteno


Europe: April is historically a good month to be long European shares.

The Daily Shot Brief – April 1st, 2022
Source: @mikamsika Read full article


China: The Markit PMI confirmed the official figures showing manufacturing contraction in March amid lockdowns.

The Daily Shot Brief – April 1st, 2022
Source: The Daily Shot


Cryptocurrency: Bitcoin is outperforming the S&P 500 so far this year but has lagged gold.

The Daily Shot Brief – April 1st, 2022
Source: CoinDesk Read full article

Although, altcoins outperformed bitcoin in March, indicating a stronger appetite for risk among crypto traders.

The Daily Shot Brief – April 1st, 2022
Source: CoinDesk Read full article


Equities: Next, here’s the March performance chart for the S&P 500 sectors.

The Daily Shot Brief – April 1st, 2022
Source: The Daily Shot


Food for Thought: Lastly, let’s take a look at internet crimes.

The Daily Shot Brief – April 1st, 2022
Source: Statista


Edited by Alexander Bowers

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