The Daily Shot Brief – March 1st, 2022



United States: The Chicago PMI showed a downshift in the region’s business activity in February

The Daily Shot Brief – March 1st, 2022
Source: Daily Shot


Moreover, the spread between the indices of new orders and inventory dipped below zero, pointing to slower growth ahead. Supply-chain strains remain elevated.

The Daily Shot Brief – March 1st, 2022
Source: The Daily Feather


Europe: European rigid wage system is yet to budge despite labor shortages.

The Daily Shot Brief – March 1st, 2022
Source: Gavekal Research


China: The overall economic momentum seems to be turning higher.

The Daily Shot Brief – March 1st, 2022
Source: MRB Partners


Cryptocurrency: Cryptos are sharply higher amid a surge in demand from Russia (as the ruble tumbles).

The Daily Shot Brief – March 1st, 2022
Source: Daily Shot


Ukrainian and other global officials are concerned that crypto could be used to circumvent sanctions.

The Daily Shot Brief – March 1st, 2022
Source: @FedorovMykhailo
The Daily Shot Brief – March 1st, 2022
Source: CoinDesk Read full article


Energy: This chart shows the expected 12-month change in the Brent spot price if sanctions were to block Russian exports, according to Numera Analytics.

The Daily Shot Brief – March 1st, 2022
Source: Numera Analytics


Still, there is a lower probability of oil remaining at high levels over the next few months.

The Daily Shot Brief – March 1st, 2022
Source: Numera Analytics


Food for Thought: Trends in shared micro-mobility:

The Daily Shot Brief – March 1st, 2022
Source: NACTO Read full article

Edited by Devon Lall

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