The Daily Shot Brief – February 1st, 2022



United States: Manufacturers’ backlogs remain massive, suggesting that factories will keep busy in the months ahead.

The Daily Shot Brief – February 1st, 2022
Source: Wells Fargo Securities


The divergence between orders and output indicates that manufacturers haven’t been able to keep up.

The Daily Shot Brief – February 1st, 2022
Source: Wells Fargo Securities


Eurozone: As the TLTRO program ends, the ECB may exempt more excess reserves from the negative deposit rate.

The Daily Shot Brief – February 1st, 2022
Source: @economics, @davidjpowell24 Read full article


China: Here are the components of China’s GDP.

The Daily Shot Brief – February 1st, 2022
Source: Matthews Asia Read full article


Is Beijing overstating the GDP growth? Below is the Capital Economics China Activity Proxy.

The Daily Shot Brief – February 1st, 2022
Source: Capital Economics


Emerging Markets: Which countries had the highest inflation surprises?

The Daily Shot Brief – February 1st, 2022
Source: Oxford Economics


Credit: US firms are starting to borrow again.

The Daily Shot Brief – February 1st, 2022
Source: Pantheon Macroeconomics


Food for Thought: Global nuclear power production:

The Daily Shot Brief – February 1st, 2022
Source: Visual Capitalist Read full article

Edited by Devon Lall

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