The Daily Shot Brief – March 8th, 2022



United States: The yield curve keeps flattening as the market prices in slower growth ahead. This comes as President Biden announces a ban on US imports of Russian oil.

The Daily Shot Brief – March 8th, 2022
Source: The Daily Shot


Commodities: Nickel exploded to the upside as market participants got caught in a short squeeze (hedges have blown up amid massive margin calls). Prices rocketed following supply concerns from Russia.

The Daily Shot Brief – March 8th, 2022
Source: The Daily Shot
The Daily Shot Brief – March 8th, 2022
Source: Yahoo Finance


Energy: US gasoline futures hit a record high.

The Daily Shot Brief – March 8th, 2022
Source: The Daily Shot

Oil implied vol is also climbing amid uncertainty.

The Daily Shot Brief – March 8th, 2022
Source: Bloomberg


Equities: The selloff accelerated on Monday amid concerns about stagflation. Some analysts have noted that the latest drop felt like a capitulation.

The Daily Shot Brief – March 8th, 2022
Source: The Daily Shot


What happens to the S&P 500 around 10% market corrections?

The Daily Shot Brief – March 8th, 2022
Source: Goldman Sachs: @SamRo


Eurozone: UK market-based inflation expectations are hitting record highs as energy prices soar amid fears of a supply crunch.

The Daily Shot Brief – March 8th, 2022
Source: The Daily Shot


Food for Thought: Food delivery economics:

The Daily Shot Brief – March 8th, 2022
Source: @chartrdaily

Edited by William Villacis

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