The Daily Shot Brief – April 8th, 2022



Administrative Update: Please note that The Daily Shot Brief will not be published next Friday, April 15th.


The United States: In the US, housing market sentiment has deteriorated to multi-year lows, according to Fannie Mae.

The Daily Shot Brief – April 8th, 2022
Source: Fannie Mae


The Eurozone: The ECB continues to get surprised by the euro-area inflation spike, raising the market’s rate hike projections.

The Daily Shot Brief – April 8th, 2022
Source: @fwred


China: Beijing hinted at monetary easing…

The Daily Shot Brief – April 8th, 2022
Source: Bloomberg Read full article


…amid new COVID lockdowns.

The Daily Shot Brief – April 8th, 2022
Source: Ernan Cui, Gavekal Research


Energy: OPEC’s under-production has been worsening.

The Daily Shot Brief – April 8th, 2022
Source: @nhillman_energy


Equities: As the Fed is poised to enter a fast tightening cycle, hedge funds have been cutting back their exposure to stocks.

The Daily Shot Brief – April 8th, 2022
Source: Morgan Stanley Research; @WallStJesus


Emerging Markets: The ruble has recovered to pre-war levels after the Bank of Russia limited foreign selling and encouraged domestic buying.

The Daily Shot Brief – April 8th, 2022
Source: The Daily Shot


Food for Thought: Lastly, here are the square meters of prime property that can be purchased for $1 million in the world.

The Daily Shot Brief – April 8th, 2022
Source: Statista

Edited by William Villacis

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