The Daily Shot Brief – February 8th, 2022



United States: Let’s begin with some updates on inflation.

 Slower used car price gains point to a somewhat smaller core CPI increase in January, according to Nomura.

The Daily Shot Brief – February 8th, 2022
Source: Nomura Securities


Services are now taking the lead from goods for the next leg of price increases. Rent will be a key component of that trend

The Daily Shot Brief – February 8th, 2022
Source: MRB Partners


Eurozone: The ECB has made an effort to make its releases more comprehensible.

The Daily Shot Brief – February 8th, 2022
Source: Commerzbank Research


China: Thermal coal prices are surging again.

The Daily Shot Brief – February 8th, 2022
Source: Daily Shot


Equities: Here is the risk/reward profile across US sectors from Numera Analytics.

The Daily Shot Brief – February 8th, 2022
Source: Numera Analytics


Quant Compensation: How much do Wall Street quants get paid? Here are the results from Baruch MFE’s latest alumni survey.

 By institution type:

The Daily Shot Brief – February 8th, 2022
Source: Baruch MFE


 By role:

The Daily Shot Brief – February 8th, 2022
Source: Baruch MFE


Food for Thought: Global surface temperature:

The Daily Shot Brief – February 8th, 2022
Source: Columbia University Read full article

Edited by Devon Lall

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