The Daily Shot Brief – February 16th, 2022



United States: The PPI report topped forecasts, with both the headline and core indices holding near the highs.

The Daily Shot Brief – February 16th, 2022
Source: Daily Shot


Canada: How do Canadians view the recent protests?

The Daily Shot Brief – February 16th, 2022
Source: Reuters Read full article


Europe: Poland’s trade deficit hit a record as energy prices surge.

The Daily Shot Brief – February 16th, 2022
Source: Daily Shot


Asia-Pacific: Will Japan’s CPI accelerate once the drag from mobile services ebbs?

The Daily Shot Brief – February 16th, 2022
Source: Gavekal Research


Emerging Markets: EM household consumption is set to rise rapidly in the years ahead.

The Daily Shot Brief – February 16th, 2022
Source: Credit Suisse


Food for Thought: Bike lanes:

The Daily Shot Brief – February 16th, 2022
Source: @urbaninstitute, @livfiol, @yfreemark Read full article

Edited by Devon Lall

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