The Daily Shot Brief – April 12th, 2022



United States: To begin, inflation expectations in the US remain anchored, with the one- and three-year indicators continuing to diverge.

The Daily Shot Brief – April 12th, 2022
Source: NY Fed


Rates: The recent drawdown in the US Treasury market has been extreme.

The Daily Shot Brief – April 12th, 2022
Source: The Daily Shot


Equities: In equity markets, historical trends illustrate the consequences beyond the bond market of severe Treasury drawdowns.

The Daily Shot Brief – April 12th, 2022
Source: @sentimentrader


Eurozone: Economists increasingly see the Eurozone moving toward stagflation. Here is the GDP forecast for 2022:

The Daily Shot Brief – April 12th, 2022
Source: The Daily Shot


And the inflation forecast for 2022:

The Daily Shot Brief – April 12th, 2022
Source: The Daily Shot


Cryptocurrency: In the crypto-sphere, Bitcoin’s 90-day correlation with the Nasdaq 100 reached a new high, which comes as Bitcoin fell through the bottom end of its 50-day moving average.

The Daily Shot Brief – April 12th, 2022
Source: CoinDesk, Koylin  Read full article


Food for Thought: Lastly, let’s take a look at COVID-19 strains and their contagiousness vs. reduction in antibody effectiveness.

The Daily Shot Brief – April 12th, 2022
Source: The New York Times  Read full article

Edited by William Villacis

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