The Daily Shot Brief – January 12th, 2022





United States: Some 1.7 million Americans were not at work due to illness in December.

The Daily Shot Brief – January 12th, 2022
Source: @WSJ Read full article


Eurozone: High-frequency data point to downside risks for Germany’s consumer spending.

The Daily Shot Brief – January 12th, 2022
Source: Natixis


China: China needs stability in Kazakhstan.

The Daily Shot Brief – January 12th, 2022
Source: Gavekal Research


Equities: How do higher yields and policy tightening impact different sectors?

The Daily Shot Brief – January 12th, 2022
Source: UBS; @WallStJesus


Global Developments: The share of global consumer spending on goods remains elevated.

The Daily Shot Brief – January 12th, 2022
Source: Flexport Read full article


Food for Thought: Labor union density by state:

The Daily Shot Brief – January 12th, 2022
Source: EPI

Edited by Devon Lall

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