The Daily Shot Brief – April 5th, 2022



The United States: To begin, let’s take a look at a comparison between today’s inflation trends and previous inflation spikes.

The Daily Shot Brief – April 5th, 2022
Source: MUFG


Europe: Amid the Russia-Ukraine crisis, European nations are finding it increasingly difficult to navigate their dependency on Russian oil. This chart shows Europe’s energy burden relative to the U.S.

The Daily Shot Brief – April 5th, 2022
Source: BlackRock Investment Institute


China: While the authorities are denying it, the Shanghai Port is facing increasing logistics bottlenecks.

The Daily Shot Brief – April 5th, 2022
Source: South China Morning Post Read full article
The Daily Shot Brief – April 5th, 2022
Source: VesselsValue


Also, following fears of stock delistings in US exchanges for not complying with audit rules, Chinese equity valuations are at their lowest level since 2018.

The Daily Shot Brief – April 5th, 2022
Source: UBS Research


Commodities: Commodity ETF flows surged in March following spikes in prices.

The Daily Shot Brief – April 5th, 2022
Source: SPDR Americas Research, @mattbartolini


Equities: In equity markets, the maximum drawdown in the S&P 500 tends to occur over a year after the yield curve flattens/inverts.

The Daily Shot Brief – April 5th, 2022
Source: MarketDesk Research


Food for Thought: Lastly, let’s look at where married households have stood as a share of total households.

The Daily Shot Brief – April 5th, 2022
Source: USAFacts Read full article


Edited by William Villacis

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