The Daily Shot Brief – March 17th, 2022



United States: After the Federal Reserve hiked rates by 25 bps yesterday, the FOMC reduced the 2022 GDP projection and raised inflation forecasts across the board.

The Daily Shot Brief – March 17th, 2022
Source: The Daily Shot

In addition, oil price shocks have historically led to lower output caused by contractionary monetary policies.

The Daily Shot Brief – March 17th, 2022
Source: @heimbergecon


Russia: Will we see a rebound in Russian debt?

The Daily Shot Brief – March 17th, 2022
Source: CNN Business Read full article
The Daily Shot Brief – March 17th, 2022
Source: The Daily Shot


Asia: Asian currencies are up sharply after Beijing’s decision to prop up capital markets. Here is the South Korean won.

The Daily Shot Brief – March 17th, 2022
Source: The Daily Shot


Emerging Markets: Beijing’s effort to stimulate the stock market boosted EM ETFs.

The Daily Shot Brief – March 17th, 2022
Source: The Daily Shot


Equities: Mega-caps surged in response to Beijing’s announcement to support China’s markets and Powell’s comments on the economy.

The Daily Shot Brief – March 17th, 2022
Source: The Daily Shot


Food for Thought: Here are banks’ exposure to Russian debt by country.

The Daily Shot Brief – March 17th, 2022
Source: Statista


Edited by Alexander Bowers

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