The Daily Shot Brief – February 17th, 2022



United States: The FOMC minutes (from the Jan 25-26 meeting) were less hawkish than feared. There didn’t seem to be any signal for a 50 bps rate hike in March.

Stocks moved higher.

The Daily Shot Brief – February 17th, 2022
Source: The Daily Shot

The 2-year Treasury yield dropped.

The Daily Shot Brief – February 17th, 2022
Source: The Daily Shot

The dollar was down.

The Daily Shot Brief – February 17th, 2022
Source: The Daily Shot


Canada: Is someone taking the protest against vaccine mandates online?

The Daily Shot Brief – February 17th, 2022
Source: Bleeping Computer Read full article
The Daily Shot Brief – February 17th, 2022
Source: @JamesMelville


Emerging Markets: Most inflation reports have been surprising to the uispide.

The Daily Shot Brief – February 17th, 2022
Source: Oxford Economics


Energy: US demand for refined products at multi-year highs.

The Daily Shot Brief – February 17th, 2022
Source: Princeton Energy Advisors


Equities: S&P 600 (small-cap) value stocks have been sharply outperforming growth this week.

The Daily Shot Brief – February 17th, 2022
Source: The Daily Shot


Food for Thought: Where will the next COVID variant emerge?

The Daily Shot Brief – February 17th, 2022
Source: The Economist Read full article

Edited by Daniel Moskovits

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