The Daily Shot Brief – January 6th, 2022





United States:

The FOMC minutes revealed an even more hawkish Federal Reserve than the markets were expecting.

 Inflation concerns:

Participants remarked that inflation readings had been higher and were more persistent and widespread than previously anticipated. Some participants noted that trimmed mean measures of inflation had reached decade-high levels and that the percentage of product categories with substantial price increases continued to climb.

 Faster rate hikes:

Participants generally noted that, given their individual outlooks for the economy, the labor market, and inflation, it may become warranted to increase the federal funds rate sooner or at a faster pace than participants had earlier anticipated.


Bonds around the world sold off in response to the hawkish FOMC minutes.

The Daily Shot Brief – January 6th, 2022
Source: Daily Shot


Asia-Pacific: USD/KRW is testing resistance as the won weakens due to the hawkish FOMC minutes and North Korea’s latest missile test.

The Daily Shot Brief – January 6th, 2022
The Daily Shot Brief – January 6th, 2022
Source: Reuters Read full article


Commodities: Commodity ETFs saw outflows last year, dragged lower by gold exposures.

The Daily Shot Brief – January 6th, 2022
Source: SPDR Americas Research, @mattbartolini


Energy: Asia is embracing nuclear power.

The Daily Shot Brief – January 6th, 2022
Source: Statista


Global Developments: Just 1.5% of all stocks have generated net wealth in global markets over the past 30 years.

The Daily Shot Brief – January 6th, 2022
Source: KKR Global Institute


Food for Thought: Credit cards vs. BNPL (buy now pay later):

The Daily Shot Brief – January 6th, 2022
Source: GP Bullhound Read full article

Edited by Devon Lall

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