The Daily Shot Brief – July 6th, 2021




Energy: The OPEC+ production increase is off the table for now as the impasse continues.

The Daily Shot Brief – July 6th, 2021
Source: Reuters Read full article


Oil prices jumped.

The Daily Shot Brief – July 6th, 2021


Equities: Higher inflation expectations tend to be good for stock performance.

The Daily Shot Brief – July 6th, 2021
Source: @ISABELNET_SA, @MorganStanley


Alternatives: PE acquisitions are surging this year. Given frothy valuations, the latest vintages are likely to underperform.

The Daily Shot Brief – July 6th, 2021
Source: Tara Lachapelle, @bopinion Read full article


Credit: As discussed previously, the loan-to-deposit ratio continues to decline, especially for large banks. The recent declines have been driven by the Fed’s QE, which sharply boosted deposits.

The Daily Shot Brief – July 6th, 2021
Source: Mizuho Securities USA


By the way, the table below illustrates how QE increases deposits in the banking system.

The Daily Shot Brief – July 6th, 2021
Source: Longview Economics


Rates: QE tapering tends to flatten the yield curve.

The Daily Shot Brief – July 6th, 2021
Source: Longview Economics


Food for Thought:  Lawn and garden equipment emissions:

The Daily Shot Brief – July 6th, 2021
Source: Bloomberg Read full article

Edited by Richard Holmes

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