The Daily Shot Brief – December 8th, 2021



United States: It appears that the debt ceiling showdown has been averted for now.

The Daily Shot Brief – December 8th, 2021
Source: @WSJ Read full article


China: China’s government bonds have outperformed EM and US debt.

The Daily Shot Brief – December 8th, 2021
Source: MRB Partners


Energy: Investment in hydrogen production has exploded.

The Daily Shot Brief – December 8th, 2021
Source: International Energy Agency


Equities: Buybacks have been a key component of US large-cap returns.

The Daily Shot Brief – December 8th, 2021
Source: PGM Global


Credit: The LIBOR deadline generated a surge in CLO issuance going into the year-end.

The Daily Shot Brief – December 8th, 2021
Source: @lcdnews Read full article


Food for Thought: NYC taxi medallion prices:

The Daily Shot Brief – December 8th, 2021
Source: @financialtimes Read full article

Edited by Devon Lall

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