The Daily Shot Brief – June 8th, 2021



United States: The moratorium on student debt payments ends in October. Many borrowers have stopped paying and are hoping for debt forgiveness. Absent such a policy change, we are likely to see delinquencies climbing back to pre-COVID highs and perhaps even higher.

The Daily Shot Brief – June 8th, 2021
Source: Bloomberg Read full article


China: Evergrande, China’s most indebted property developer, is trying to calm nervous investors.

The Daily Shot Brief – June 8th, 2021
Source: Bloomberg
The Daily Shot Brief – June 8th, 2021
Source: @WSJ Read full article


Emerging Markets: Peruvian assets tumbled as Pedro Castillo (the leftist candidate) pulls ahead.

The Daily Shot Brief – June 8th, 2021
Source: BBC Read full article


Stock market:

The Daily Shot Brief – June 8th, 2021
Source: Daily Shot


Commodities: Flows into broad commodity funds are surging.

The Daily Shot Brief – June 8th, 2021
Source: Arbor Research & Trading


Energy: Some options traders are betting on $100/bbl oil.

The Daily Shot Brief – June 8th, 2021
Source: @WSJ Read full article


Food for Thought: Business investment over time:

The Daily Shot Brief – June 8th, 2021
Source: The Daily Feather

Edited by Richard Holmes

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