The Daily Shot Brief – November 17th, 2021


Administrative Update: The Daily Shot Brief will not be published on November 24th, 25th, and 26th.


United States: Retail sales were well above expectations in October, with consumers starting their holiday shopping early (apparently unfazed by higher prices).

The Daily Shot Brief – November 17th, 2021
Source: Daily Shot


Eurozone: French fertilizer prices are soaring, which will drive up food inflation.

The Daily Shot Brief – November 17th, 2021
Source: Gavekal Research


China: State-owned enterprise (SOE) debt has grown to about 130% of GDP.

The Daily Shot Brief – November 17th, 2021
Source: Pavilion Global Markets


Cryptocurrency: Major cryptocurrencies have been in the red in recent days.

The Daily Shot Brief – November 17th, 2021
Source: FinViz


Rates: The correlation between the short end and long end of the yield curve has collapsed to previously never seen lows.

The Daily Shot Brief – November 17th, 2021
Source: Trahan Macro Research


Food for Thought: SALT deductions by income group:

The Daily Shot Brief – November 17th, 2021
Source: USA Facts Read full article

Edited by Devon Lall

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