The Daily Shot Brief – August 17th, 2021



United States: The first regional Fed manufacturing survey of the month (from the NY Fed) showed some moderation in factory activity.

The Daily Shot Brief – August 17th, 2021
Source: Daily Shot


Asia-Pacific: The South Korean won has been under pressure amid capital outflows.

The Daily Shot Brief – August 17th, 2021
Source: Daily Shot


China: For now, there are no signs of an infrastructure boost to reverse the current economic slowdown.

The Daily Shot Brief – August 17th, 2021
Source: Pantheon Macroeconomics


Emerging Markets: Governments in the Northern Triangle countries have zero incentive to curtail migration to the US. Remittances increasingly provide much-needed dollars to the nations’ struggling economies. To put this into perspective, Guatemala’s coffee exports are worth $0.65 billion per year. Banana exports are $0.94 bn/year. On the other hand, migrant labor “exports” now deliver $1.35 billion – per month. Remittances totaled $11.34 billion in 2020, representing 14.7% of the GDP. The figure will be even higher this year.

The Daily Shot Brief – August 17th, 2021
Source: Daily Shot


Energy: US residential electricity consumption per capita has been flat for over a decade.

The Daily Shot Brief – August 17th, 2021
Source: EIA


Food for Thought: Bezos’s and Branson’s reusable spacecraft:

The Daily Shot Brief – August 17th, 2021
Source: @financialtimes

Edited by Devon Lall

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