The Daily Shot Brief – September 17th, 2021



United States: The Treasury curve has been flattening at the longer end, which may signify falling inflation expectations

The Daily Shot Brief – September 17th, 2021
Source: Guggenheim
The Daily Shot Brief – September 17th, 2021
Source: The Daily Shot

Fund managers increasingly see inflation as transitory.

The Daily Shot Brief – September 17th, 2021
Source: BofA Global Research


Eurozone: The Eurozone’s industrial production has been lagging the rest of the EU.

The Daily Shot Brief – September 17th, 2021
Source: Eurostat Read full article


Emerging Markets: Emerging markets are seeing a broad-based slowdown in manufacturing growth.

The Daily Shot Brief – September 17th, 2021
Source: Alpine Macro


Equities: This chart shows the evolution of sentiment by sector.

The Daily Shot Brief – September 17th, 2021
Source: @IHSMarkitPMI


Rates: Flows into TIPS ETFs remain robust, boosting returns.

The Daily Shot Brief – September 17th, 2021
Source: Matthew Bartolini


Food for Thought: Disney and Netflix subscribers:

The Daily Shot Brief – September 17th, 2021
Source: @chartrdaily

Edited by Daniel Moskovits

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