The Daily Shot Brief – August 10th, 2021




United States: Job openings hit another record in June, with the May figures revised higher. The demand for labor in the US is unprecedented.

The Daily Shot Brief – August 10th, 2021
Source: Daily Shot


United Kingdom: As we saw last week, the BoE boosted its forecast for near-term inflation. The central bank also lowered its projections for unemployment.

The Daily Shot Brief – August 10th, 2021
Source: BCA Research


China: Air travel is down sharply amid concerns about the outbreak.

The Daily Shot Brief – August 10th, 2021
Source: Bloomberg Read full article


Cryptocurrency: Digital asset funds saw outflows for the fifth straight week, although assets under management hit the highest level since mid-May

The Daily Shot Brief – August 10th, 2021
Source: CoinShares Read full article


Commodities: While equities and fixed income ETFs had inflows in July, commodity funds had outflows as investors reduced gold-related exposures, according to State Street.

The Daily Shot Brief – August 10th, 2021
Source: SPDR Americas Research, @mattbartolini


Food for Thought: Traffic fatalities:

The Daily Shot Brief – August 10th, 2021
Source: Statista Read full article

Edited by Richard Holmes

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