The Daily Shot Brief – September 10th, 2021



United States: Here is the aggregate number of waiting container ships at the three largest US ports.

The Daily Shot Brief – September 10th, 2021
Source: @tracyalloway Read full article


Eurozone: The media coverage of the ECB’s modest (and expected) reduction in securities purchases has been entertaining.

The Daily Shot Brief – September 10th, 2021
Source: Reuters Read full article
The Daily Shot Brief – September 10th, 2021
Source: @WSJ Read full article
The Daily Shot Brief – September 10th, 2021
Source: CNBC Read full article


The ECB boosted its inflation forecasts.

The Daily Shot Brief – September 10th, 2021
Source: Commerzbank Research


China: Pig herds have been recovering, causing food deflation and putting downward pressure on the headline CPI.

The Daily Shot Brief – September 10th, 2021
Source: Pantheon Macroeconomics


Commodities: Nickel prices are surging, with the market in deficit (driven by rising battery demand).

The Daily Shot Brief – September 10th, 2021
Source: Fitch Solutions Macro Research


Equities: The 2013 taper tantrum and the actual Fed tapering process did not sink stock prices.

The Daily Shot Brief – September 10th, 2021
Source: Barclays Research


Food for Thought: Views on the US withdrawal from Afghanistan:

The Daily Shot Brief – September 10th, 2021
Source: Morning Consult Read full article

Edited by Devon Lall

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