The Daily Shot Brief – July 19th, 2021




United States: The U. Michigan consumer sentiment report showed confidence deteriorating this month. Analysts have attributed this decline to higher prices and the loss of emergency unemployment benefits.

The Daily Shot Brief – July 19th, 2021
Source: Daily Shot


Europe: Germany’s two major parties continue to lose support.

The Daily Shot Brief – July 19th, 2021
Source: @BBGVisualData Read full article


China: China’s rebalancing toward the private sector continues.

The Daily Shot Brief – July 19th, 2021
Source: Matthews Asia


Equities: Companies with higher pricing power have been outperforming.

The Daily Shot Brief – July 19th, 2021
Source: @kgreifeld, @markets, @cfb_18 Read full article


Rates: New-issue Treasury demand seems to be moderating.

The Daily Shot Brief – July 19th, 2021
Source: Oxford Economics


Food for Thought: US home improvement store visits:

The Daily Shot Brief – July 19th, 2021
Source: Placer Labs

Edited by Richard Holmes

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