The Daily Shot Brief – October 19th, 2021



United States: Here are the reasons for the lack of urgency in returning to work.

The Daily Shot Brief – October 19th, 2021
Source: @GregDaco, @nick_bunker, @indeed Read full article


Canada: Four BoC rate hikes by the end of Q3 of next year? The market is convinced.

The Daily Shot Brief – October 19th, 2021
Source: Bloomberg


Eurozone: Economists are boosting inflation forecasts.

The Daily Shot Brief – October 19th, 2021
Source: Bloomberg


The CPI – PPI spread has blown out, which could squeeze corporate profit margins in some sectors.

The Daily Shot Brief – October 19th, 2021
Source: Daily Shot
The Daily Shot Brief – October 19th, 2021
Source: TS Lombard


China: The PBoC says that the property developers’ credit risk is manageable. After a couple of developers paid their coupon, risk aversion eased somewhat, and yields on some leveraged firms’ debt declined.

The Daily Shot Brief – October 19th, 2021
Source: Bloomberg


For the first time in a decade, loans to developers in China declined.

The Daily Shot Brief – October 19th, 2021
Source: Gavekal Research


Energy: Fund managers are overweight energy.

The Daily Shot Brief – October 19th, 2021
Source: BofA Global Research; @Callum_Thomas


Food for Thought: Lithium-ion battery production expectations:

The Daily Shot Brief – October 19th, 2021
Source: The Washington Post Read full article

Edited by Devon Lall

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