The Daily Shot Brief – February 21st, 2022



Equities: Amid the Russia/Ukraine crisis, a number of companies have mentioned Ukraine on their earnings calls.

The Daily Shot Brief – February 21st, 2022
Source: @FactSet

Which firms have exposure to Ukraine/Russia?

The Daily Shot Brief – February 21st, 2022
Source: @FactSet


Credit: Investment-grade credit default swap spreads continue to widen.

The Daily Shot Brief – February 21st, 2022
Source: The Daily Shot


China: Beijing continues its regulatory crackdown on tech firms.

The Daily Shot Brief – February 21st, 2022
Source: Reuters Read full article
The Daily Shot Brief – February 21st, 2022
Source: The Daily Shot


United States: US COVID cases continue to ease.

The Daily Shot Brief – February 21st, 2022
Source: Wells Fargo Securities


Global Development: Input prices and suppliers’ delivery times have peaked.

The Daily Shot Brief – February 21st, 2022
Source: Barclays Research


Food for Thought: Pfizer revenues:

The Daily Shot Brief – February 21st, 2022
Source: Statista

Edited by Daniel Moskovits

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