The Daily Shot Brief – February 11th, 2022


United States: The CPI report surprised to the upside, with inflation hitting multi-decade highs.

The Daily Shot Brief – February 11th, 2022
Source: Daily Shot


Europe: The Eurozone has seen a significant increase in capital outflows over the past year (driven by bonds).

The Daily Shot Brief – February 11th, 2022
Source: Morgan Stanley Research


China: Credit expansion was robust in January.

The Daily Shot Brief – February 11th, 2022
Source: Daily Shot


Emerging Markets: With prices surging, Banxico hiked rates again (as expected).

The Daily Shot Brief – February 11th, 2022
Source: Daily Shot


Commodities:  Here is a better chart of minerals used by clean energy technologies.

The Daily Shot Brief – February 11th, 2022
Source: Bank of America Merrill Lynch


Food for Thought: Offense and defense rank of Super Bowl teams:

The Daily Shot Brief – February 11th, 2022
Source: @benbbaldwin, @tejfbanalytics

Edited by Devon Lall

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