The Daily Shot Brief – January 7th, 2022





Asia-Pacific: Omicron is pressuring Australia’s consumer spending.

The Daily Shot Brief – January 7th, 2022
Source: ANZ Research


China: Offshore and onshore defaults have continued to climb with higher pressure for both state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and privately-owned enterprises (POEs).

The Daily Shot Brief – January 7th, 2022
Source: Natixis


Additionally, foreign investors pulled capital out of mainland shares.

The Daily Shot Brief – January 7th, 2022
h/t @johnchenghc


Cryptocurrency: Crypto crime is increasing, mostly via stolen funds in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space (2 charts).

The Daily Shot Brief – January 7th, 2022
Source: Chainalysis Read full article
The Daily Shot Brief – January 7th, 2022
Source: Chainalysis Read full article


Energy: Nuclear energy could be made cheaper.

The Daily Shot Brief – January 7th, 2022
Source: @WSJ Read full article


Global Developments: Finally, we have a summary of central banks’ pandemic-era asset purchases.

The Daily Shot Brief – January 7th, 2022
Source: IMF Read full article


Food for Thought: Homelessness in Finland:

The Daily Shot Brief – January 7th, 2022
Source: OECD Read full article

Edited by Devon Lall

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