The Daily Shot Brief – November 12th, 2021



United States: Jobless claims are approaching pre-COVID levels.

The Daily Shot Brief – November 12th, 2021
Source: @WSJ Read full article

Most of the “labor slack” is gone (2 charts).

The Daily Shot Brief – November 12th, 2021
Source: Bain & Company Read full article
The Daily Shot Brief – November 12th, 2021
Source: Gavekal Research


China: Coal futures prices continue to fall as Beijing forces out “speculators.”

The Daily Shot Brief – November 12th, 2021
Source: The Daily Shot


Equities: The share of companies beating earnings and sales estimates has moderated in the Q3 reporting season.

The Daily Shot Brief – November 12th, 2021
Source: @bespokeinvest Read full article


Credit: Inflows into MBS funds have accelerated recently.

The Daily Shot Brief – November 12th, 2021
Source: BofA Global Research


Rates: The 2-5-10 Treasury butterfly spread has blown out, as the belly of the curve takes a hit. Investors expect the Fed to be more aggressive in fighting surging inflation.

The Daily Shot Brief – November 12th, 2021
Source: The Daily Shot


Food for Thought: Black Friday shopping plans:

The Daily Shot Brief – November 12th, 2021
Source: @CivicScience

Edited by Daniel Moskovits

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