The Daily Shot Brief – September 30th, 2021



Administrative Update: As a reminder, the next Daily Shot will be published on Monday, October 4th.


United States: US exports of goods hit another record high in August.

The Daily Shot Brief – September 30th, 2021
Source: The Daily Shot


United Kingdom: Natural gas prices jumped another 10% on Wednesday. This trend will leave a mark on the economy.

The Daily Shot Brief – September 30th, 2021
Source: The Daily Shot

The UK relies heavily on natural gas.

The Daily Shot Brief – September 30th, 2021
Source: ING

Consumers are becoming concerned.

The Daily Shot Brief – September 30th, 2021
Source: ING


Japan: Japanese inflation continues to be the weakest among advanced economies.

The Daily Shot Brief – September 30th, 2021
Source: Morgan Stanley Research


China: Chinese domestic investors have been taking a more relaxed view of the Evergrande fallout.

The Daily Shot Brief – September 30th, 2021
Source: Alpine Macro


Equities: The correlation between stocks and bonds remains elevated (nowhere to hide).

The Daily Shot Brief – September 30th, 2021
Source: The Daily Shot


Food for Thought: Smartphone shipments:

The Daily Shot Brief – September 30th, 2021
Source: Statista

Edited by Daniel Moskovits

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