The Daily Shot Brief – June 30th, 2021



United States: This month’s regional Fed manufacturing reports point to a peak in supply-chain bottlenecks. To be sure, the problem will plague US businesses for months to come, but this could be the beginning of the end.

The Daily Shot Brief – June 30th, 2021
Source: Yardeni Research


United Kingdom: These charts illustrate the shift from self-employed and part-time work to full-time.

The Daily Shot Brief – June 30th, 2021
Source: Resolution Foundation Read full article


Europe: Battery manufacturing has been surging in the EU.

The Daily Shot Brief – June 30th, 2021
Source: Gavekal Research


Emerging Markets: Russia’s central bank may get more aggressive in fighting inflation.

The Daily Shot Brief – June 30th, 2021
Source: Bloomberg Read full article


The World Economics SMI report for India shows a deepening recession.

The Daily Shot Brief – June 30th, 2021
Source: World Economics


Equities: Share buybacks could continue to rise after banks received the green light from the Fed upon passing their stress tests, according to Scotiabank.

The Daily Shot Brief – June 30th, 2021
Source: Scotiabank Economics


Here is the composition of the S&P 500 buyback yield:

The Daily Shot Brief – June 30th, 2021
Source: Hugo Ste-Marie, Portfolio & Quantitative Strategy Global Equity Research, Scotia Capital


Food for Thought: Prime-time cable news show hosts:

The Daily Shot Brief – June 30th, 2021
Source: Morning Consult Read full article

Edited by Richard Holmes

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