The Daily Shot Brief – August 4th, 2021




United States: Where will we see the highest share of evictions once the moratorium ends?

The Daily Shot Brief – August 4th, 2021
Source: Redfin


Eurozone: Italian polls suggest that the Brothers of Italy party is rapidly gaining support at the expense of Lega. While both parties are Eurosceptics, Brothers of Italy poses less risk to the EU/EMU than Lega.

The Daily Shot Brief – August 4th, 2021
Source: Europe Elects


Emerging Markets: EM local currency bonds have historically performed well at the end of a hiking cycle, which could support duration risk, according to Morgan Stanley.

The Daily Shot Brief – August 4th, 2021
Source: Morgan Stanley Research


Commodities: Which commodities will be impacted by the soaring demand for lithium-ion batteries?

The Daily Shot Brief – August 4th, 2021
Source: @financialtimes Read full article


Credit: US banks’ lending standards for business loans are the easiest in at least three decades. Demand remains tepid.

The Daily Shot Brief – August 4th, 2021
Source: Federal Reserve Board


Food for Thought: Views on automation:

The Daily Shot Brief – August 4th, 2021
Source: Morning Consult Read full article

Edited by Richard Holmes

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