The Daily Shot Brief – July 13th, 2021




United States: Consumer and business survey data suggest that the unemployment rate should be below 4%.

The Daily Shot Brief – July 13th, 2021
Source: Cornerstone Macro


Asia-Pacific: Australia’s business confidence took a hit last month.

The Daily Shot Brief – July 13th, 2021
Source: Reuters Read full article
The Daily Shot Brief – July 13th, 2021
Source: Daily Shot


China: Beijing’s tech crackdown did some damage to public shares’ market cap.

The Daily Shot Brief – July 13th, 2021
Source: Goldman Sachs; @Schuldensuehner


Equities: Margin expansion has been strong.

The Daily Shot Brief – July 13th, 2021
Source: JP Morgan Asset Management


Credit: Leveraged loan lender protections are melting away.

The Daily Shot Brief – July 13th, 2021
Source: @bloomberglaw Read full article


Food for Thought: Regretting wars:

The Daily Shot Brief – July 13th, 2021
Source: Statista

Edited by Richard Holmes

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