The Daily Shot Brief – June 29th, 2021



United States: Perceived labor market slack is part of the reason for the Fed’s reluctance to begin withdrawing stimulus.

The Daily Shot Brief – June 29th, 2021
Source: Nordea Markets


Eurozone: Analysts expect QE to remain robust next quarter.

The Daily Shot Brief – June 29th, 2021
Source: Barclays Research


China: Retailers have been struggling in the second quarter, according to China Beige Book.

The Daily Shot Brief – June 29th, 2021
Source: @tracyalloway, @ChinaBeigeBook


Commodities: Global food producers are struggling with rising input prices.

The Daily Shot Brief – June 29th, 2021
Source: IMF Read full article


Energy: Demand has been the key driver of Brent price gains, according to the NY Fed.

The Daily Shot Brief – June 29th, 2021
Source: NY Fed


Food for Thought: Expected changes in the mix of occupations:

The Daily Shot Brief – June 29th, 2021
Source: McKinsey Read full article

Edited by Richard Holmes

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