The Daily Shot Brief – June 16th, 2021



United States: The NY Fed’s May manufacturing report (first regional survey of the month) was weaker than expected.

The Daily Shot Brief – June 16th, 2021
Source: The Daily Shot

Supplier delays worsened this month, …

The Daily Shot Brief – June 16th, 2021
Source: The Daily Shot

… which has been a national trend.

The Daily Shot Brief – June 16th, 2021
Source: Arbor Research & Trading


Europe:  The bulk of the new COVID cases (new variant) are younger people, suggesting that vaccines have been effective.

The Daily Shot Brief – June 16th, 2021
Source: Deutsche Bank Research


Cryptocurrency: Bitcoin is nearing resistance at $42k.

The Daily Shot Brief – June 16th, 2021
Source: The Daily Shot


Equities: Analysts continue to upgrade their S&P 500 earnings estimates.

The Daily Shot Brief – June 16th, 2021
Source: Hugo Ste-Marie, Portfolio & Quantitative Strategy Global Equity Research, Scotia Capital


Rates: Negative yields make T-bills less attractive to foreigners.

The Daily Shot Brief – June 16th, 2021
Source: Oxford Economics


Food for Thought: Changes in US labor force participation by age:

The Daily Shot Brief – June 16th, 2021
Source: Pantheon Macroeconomics

Edited by Richard Holmes

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