The Daily Shot Brief – February 23rd, 2022



United States: Despite more robust pay increases since the start of the pandemic, home prices have left wages in the dust. This divergence is only sustainable if mortgage rates stay low.

The Daily Shot Brief – February 23rd, 2022
Source: FRED


Eurozone: This chart illustrates the Eurozone’s exposure to Russia.

The Daily Shot Brief – February 23rd, 2022
Source: TS Lombard


Cryptocurrencies: The gold-backed token market has accelerated over the past year in terms of market cap.

The Daily Shot Brief – February 23rd, 2022
Source: @ArcaneResearch


Equities: The geopolitical threat is more damaging to stocks than the geopolitical act.

The Daily Shot Brief – February 23rd, 2022
Source: Numera Analytics


Energy: European natural gas prices are rising again despite extra LNG supplies.

The Daily Shot Brief – February 23rd, 2022
Source: @WSJ Read full article
The Daily Shot Brief – February 23rd, 2022
Source: Daily Shot


Food for Thought: Importance of work vs. leisure:

The Daily Shot Brief – February 23rd, 2022
Source: Bain & Company

Edited by Devon Lall

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