The Daily Shot Brief – February 10th, 2022



United States: Mortgage applications to purchase a home dropped last week. Are rising mortgage rates starting to take a toll on housing demand?

The Daily Shot Brief – February 10th, 2022
Source: The Daily Shot

The 30-year mortgage rate is approaching 4%.

The Daily Shot Brief – February 10th, 2022
Source: The Daily Shot


Asia-Pacific: JGB yields keep climbing.

The Daily Shot Brief – February 10th, 2022
Source: The Daily Shot


Commodities: Many commodities are in backwardation amid tight supplies.

The Daily Shot Brief – February 10th, 2022
Source: Bloomberg Read full article


Equities: There has been quite a bit of shorting since the start of the year.

The Daily Shot Brief – February 10th, 2022
Source: Goldman Sachs; @MichaelGoodwell

Traders are very short the Russell 2000 (small-cap) futures.

The Daily Shot Brief – February 10th, 2022
Source: @LizAnnSonders


Rates:  The yield curve keeps flattening as economic growth projections moderate while expectations for rate hikes move up.

The Daily Shot Brief – February 10th, 2022
Source: The Daily Shot


Food for Thought: Corruption rankings:

The Daily Shot Brief – February 10th, 2022
Source: Visual Capitalist Read full article

Edited by Daniel Moskovits

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