The Daily Shot Brief – August 26th, 2021



United States: Mortgage applications to buy a home typically decline this time of the year. Instead, we got an increase, with the purchase index now well above 2019 levels.

The Daily Shot Brief – August 26th, 2021
Source: The Daily Shot

Housing demand remains exceptionally strong.

The Daily Shot Brief – August 26th, 2021
Source: Redfin


Euorzone: Bund yields jumped on Wednesday.

The Daily Shot Brief – August 26th, 2021
Source: The Daily Shot

Longer-term inflation expectations are grinding higher.

The Daily Shot Brief – August 26th, 2021
Source: The Daily Shot


China: Construction activity has been moderating.

The Daily Shot Brief – August 26th, 2021
Source: Gavekal Research


Energy: US gasoline demand is back at the top of the seven-year range.

The Daily Shot Brief – August 26th, 2021
Source: The Daily Shot


Equities: Strong and stable earnings growth helps explain higher valuations on US shares relative the rest of the world.

The Daily Shot Brief – August 26th, 2021
Source: Alpine Macro


Food for Thought: Evacuations from Afghanistan:

The Daily Shot Brief – August 26th, 2021
Source: @financialtimes Read full article

Edited by Daniel Moskovits

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