The Daily Shot Brief – August 27th, 2021



Eurozone: The divergence in loan growth trends between households and businesses keeps widening.

The Daily Shot Brief – August 27th, 2021
Source: Daily Shot


China: Middle-class households are burdened by the high cost of living and childcare, which is one reason for recent government reforms.

The Daily Shot Brief – August 27th, 2021
Source: Alpine Macro


Emerging Markets: Emerging markets continue to see capital outflows.

The Daily Shot Brief – August 27th, 2021
Source: @SergiLanauIIF


Equities: The sharp decline in US consumer sentiment typically precedes periods of outperformance for discretionary stocks (2 charts).

The Daily Shot Brief – August 27th, 2021
Source: Denise Chisholm; Fidelity Investments
The Daily Shot Brief – August 27th, 2021
Source: Denise Chisholm; Fidelity Investments


Rates: The Treasury curve flattened further at the longer end after a mediocre 7-year auction.

The Daily Shot Brief – August 27th, 2021
Source: Daily Shot


Food for Thought: US nursing-home staff quitting because of “low pay, burnout, and fear of COVID”:

The Daily Shot Brief – August 27th, 2021
Source: @WSJ Read full article

Edited by Devon Lall

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