The Daily Shot Brief – June 14th, 2021



United Kingdom: Trade with the EU continues to improve:

The Daily Shot Brief – June 14th, 2021
Source: @lizzzburden, @bbgvisualdata Read full article


Eurozone: Separately, superforecasters once again expect CDU/CSU to remain in power after the next election.

The Daily Shot Brief – June 14th, 2021
Source: Good Judgment


China: Foreign currency deposits in Chinese commercial banks have surged over the past year.  By increasing the reserve requirements on foreign exchange deposits, the central bank forces commercial banks to hold forex on their balance sheet, which could ease upward pressure on the renminbi, according to Alpine Macro.

The Daily Shot Brief – June 14th, 2021
Source: Alpine Macro


Cryptocurrency: Elon isn’t completely giving up on bitcoin, …

The Daily Shot Brief – June 14th, 2021
Source: CNBC Read full article


… sending the largest crypto higher over the weekend.

The Daily Shot Brief – June 14th, 2021
Source: Daily Shot


Commodities: Commodities are not very correlated with consumer goods prices.

The Daily Shot Brief – June 14th, 2021
Source: @Johan_E_Lof


Food for Thought: The economic cost of fake news:

The Daily Shot Brief – June 14th, 2021
Source: CHEQ, University of Baltimore Read full article

Edited by Richard Holmes

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